Individual itineraries and the circulation of scientific and technical knowledge in East Asia (16th–20th centuries)

Project director : Catherine Jami (SPHERE); Jean-Pierre Dedieu (LARHRA)

26 documents
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fichoz ID Name 
0009376LE hua zhai ke yan 萼華齋課言
0009378LE hua zhai zuan wen 萼華齋纂聞
0000027CEcole de médecine militaire du Pharo
0000014CEcole Française d'Extrême-Orient
0000059CEditions de l'art et de la littérature
0000052CÉditions Hippocrate
0009914LÉléments de grammaire mongole
0000085CEleven astronomers summoned to the capital to work on lifa 曆法
0000091CEluochunqileng 鄂羅春其稜 (or Elunchun 鄂倫春; Orotch)
00000745Emmanuel Janssen
00000850Emperor Yan (Yandi 炎帝)
00000848Emperor Yu 禹
00000052Empress Dowager "Helen"
00000043Empress Dowager Cisheng 慈聖
00000143Entretien d’un Philosophe Chrétien & d’un Philosophe Chinois
00000343Envoy to Far North-easter region
0009985LEpistola de navigatione in Indiam
0009361LEr ke mi yao 兒科秘要
0009157LEr yi qi lun 二議七論
0009389LEr yi zhui zhao tu 二佾綴兆圖
0008989LEr yue nian yi ri pi pa ting zhou song Li Xian pan 二月廿一日琵琶亭舟送李仙盤
00000746Ernest Solvay
0009923LEssai sur la littérature chinoise
0000089CExpedition led by Laxi 拉錫
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